Ivaylo Vladimirov, Client Support
"You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N."
My Story
I joined the Pontica team at just 18-years-old, not having worked a similar position before. I was a part of the French team for one of our big clients in Logistics for nearly a year and a half before moving to the Global LiveOps team. I've learned a lot from the amazing people I've worked with and actively work with. I strive to make the workplace enjoyable and productive for myself and those around me.
Describe Pontica with one word. - Opportunity 🚀
What do you love most about your job? - The people I work with 🙌
What is your favorite Pontica-related memory? - Those final hours of a late shift when we all laugh 🌟
Red or green? - Green 🎄
Christmas gifts or Christmas food? - Christmas food 🥧
Christmas movies or Christmas games? - Christmas movies 🎬