Denisa Stoyanova, Client Success Specialist
"Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall."
My Story
I started my journey in Pontica shortly after I had graduated from high school. I decided to join the team as it gave me the opportunity to improve my vocabulary and knowledge in Spanish. I’m a person who loves to learn new things. Thanks to my project I have the chance to speak with people from all around the world. For 2 years in Pontica I was able to learn many new skills and generally improve in all directions.
Describe Pontica with one word. – Experience ✨
What do you love the most about your job? – My colleagues
What is your favorite Pontica-related memory? – Team building 2021 in Albena
Beach or mountain? – Beach ⛵
Chocolate or ice cream? – Ice cream
Concert or party? – Party