People of Pontica – Erik Chan

Published 02 Sep. 2022 | 2 min read

Erik Chan, Client Success Expert

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”

My Story

I have had the chance to visit many countries, get to know people from around the world and enrich myself with independence, calm mind, and passion to surround myself with as many people as possible, to help enlarge my perspectives. This was what drew me into becoming part of Pontica two years ago – cohesive and open-minded place where I could be myself and feel at place.

My Motivation

As the offspring of a mixed-culture marriage, I have always been told to be open-minded, explore, get involved, defend what I believe in and educate myself with every opportunity given.

I am a dreamer, so I found motivation and inspiration in a good story, seeing how I and the people around me have grown, what had changed and have we adjusted with or to it as well. I love spending my time with quality people, good books and (since I am still a little boy) have my head up in the skies dreaming with my eyes wide open.

Erik after work

After work you can find me in various places – reading on the streets, while on my way to a bar to chill with friends. Turning the volume of my headphones to the max and just measuring the streets or being late for my lesson.

I have a passion for everything, hence my piano and violin lessons, language courses, writing a book at 6.AM or painting what I saw in my dream last night. I love snowboarding, windsurfing, basketball, singing and playing, so I could be found everywhere any time.

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