People of Pontica – Tatyana Tasheva

Published 24 Mar. 2023 | 1 min read

Tatyana Tasheva, Client Support

"No rain, no flowers."

My Story

I remember when in 2020 I applied for this position – one day a person I knew who is an Operations Manager at Pontica contacted me and told me about a Client Support position with French. I immediately found it interesting, decided to apply and eventually got the job. Initially I started working with a small, but kind team that I love working with to this day.

Describe Pontica with one word.  – Daring! 

What do you love the most about your job? – My colleagues. 

What is your favorite Pontica-related memory?  – My positive evaluation from management. 

Dogs or cats?  – Cats! 

Pizza or pasta? – Pasta! 

Night in or night out?  – Night in. 

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