Pontica Solutions' team ran for charity

Published 10 Jan. 2019 | 1 min read

We joined Marathon Sofia with a good cause.

We joined Marathon Sofia in October to make a donation to a charity program for each kilometer ran by our team. The more we ran, the more we donated!

Pontica decided to support young boys from the House of Opportunity program, who were brought up in institutional care. They needed equipment so they can continue practicing their favorite sports and studies.

House of Opportunity is a program run by the Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion (FSCI). It is a network of family-type houses for young people leaving specialized institutions for children deprived of parental care. It aims at breaking the cycle of abandonment by helping young people gain skills for independent living to become dignified and members who can contribute to the community.

You can find more information about the program and how you can support it here: House of Opportunity

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